Dear families,
This is the learning that we have been working on in our classroom: In Math, our fourth graders have been working on using multiplication strategies and mastering their multiplication facts. Students have been using quick arrays to aid their comprehension, finding hidden arrays and partial products. During Daily 5, students have continued working on their personal reading goals, and after finishing the lessons on how to describe a character in depth, students are working on finding the types of characters, and the character traits of the protagonist of the books that they are reading, as well as finding the main event in the story that helps the protagonist to change or learn a lesson, and the type of character conflict presented in their books. Students are writing a small report on the books that they are reading, and will be uploading that report to Seesaw once it is finalized and edited. Also during Daily 5, students have been building more vocabulary with their weekly words, by learning the spelling and definitions of those words while playing Pop with a partner, using the words in sentences and adding them to our Graffiti Wall, and completing the assigned paper to practice the words. During the mini-lesson part of Daily 5, students have learned about the description of characters while listening to and discussing the story of Verdi, by Janell Cannon. Together we have found character traits to describe our protagonist, using their lists of character traits. During Writing, our students have been planning and writing the first draft of a Personal Narrative story, introducing the setting and characters, and writing the sequence of events with important details to keep the readers engaged. During Social Studies, we have been noticing and wondering about different types of maps, and how maps tell us about people and land. Additionally, the students have been completing the Math and Reading i-Ready tests, and working on STMath and XTra Math digital platforms. And during our Thinking Journal time, the students have continued practicing daily personal writing, guided by simple prompts, like writing a list of things that you see through a window (Window Wednesday), writing a thank you note to a classroom friend, and to planet Earth (during Thankful Thursday), or writing about the plans for the weekend (on Freedom Fridays). Finally, our students have continued earning tickets through participation, collaboration, and use of new vocabulary. Many students have traded their tickets for a lunch with me, sitting at my desk, chewing gum in the classroom, bringing a stuffed animal, or playing with one of the centers (fidgets, watercolors and playdough are the most popular). And, we are so close to get another extra recess, as the students have been amazing in the hall, using quiet voices and gentle feet when transitioning to and from specials and recess, closing their locker doors with care, and taking good care of the school supplies. It is a total joy to work with this kind, gentle and respectful bunch of kids :) Have a fantastic weekend!
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AuthorHello! My name is Esther Willinski, and I am a fourth grade teacher in Massachusetts. Join us in our journey through 4th grade! Archives
December 2024